Professional Testimonials Customer Testimonials
Customer Testimonial, Mrs. Gabriela Vicenová, Czech Republic 
 After examination by a doctor, Mrs. Vicenová was diagnosed with an infection in the tendons in both arms. However, there was no treatment for a breastfeeding mother. The doctor prescribed ten magnetotherapy sessions, however the pain got worse. Mrs. Vicenová was prescribed immobilisers for her arms, which she slept in. 
“The pain became more persistent and more unpleasant. It ran from my thumb, across the inner side of my wrist to the middle of my forearm. Any movement with my thumb, in particular if it required strength, was very painful and became impossible.
Leg Pain
Customer Testimonial, (Please insert name)
Author, composer and TV host. 
“I use BIOPTRON almost every day.
 It means a lot to me, and I use it to treat knee pain. Thanks to these treatments, I don’t have any problems with my knees during the day. When I miss one treatment, I feel the consequences, which indicates that the BIOPTRON treatment is very valuable. I also used it when I had a minor surgery, after which I recovered very fast and there were no scars”.