Professional Testimonials Customer Testimonials
Customer Testimonial
M.Š., age 24, student, Belgrade, SERBIA 
 “After only 5 days of BIOPTRON light therapy, I have noticed a difference on my face, as reddness was reduced drastically and acne started to recede. I continued using Bioptron at home and after three weeks, my face has completely cleared.”

  Client of Dr. Miloš Mladenović 
Atopic Dermatitis
 Customer Testimonial, Bulgarian Female (55)
 “I have been suffering from atopic dermatitis for more than 10 years. I had tried all possible means – drugs, emollients, anti-allergic drugs, alternative medicine – homeopathy, acupuncture, herbs, medicine cosmetics, bath therapies with Dead sea salts. When I tried healing therapeutic sessions with BIOPTRON, my life changed completely. I had been doing therapeutic sessions in the morning for 8-10 minutes. The positive effect of applying the light therapy started be visible about 3 months after the beginning of therapeutic sessions. The skin became soothed, the redden areas...
Herpes, Cold Sores
 Ms. Olga Sverkunova, Minsk, Belarus Editor-in-Chief, “Health and Success” Magazine 
“The most striking effect of BIOPTRON Medical Light Therapy application I got in the treatment of herpes on the lips.
 The eruptions healed much faster than after only conventional treatment with Acyclovir (ointment and tablets), but I continued to apply BIOPTRON within 10 days, morning and evening. The Herpes has gone seriously and for the long haul, whereas previously it showed itself with every slight cold. In general, I use BIOPTRON constantly, because at my age (64 years), I have problems with joints and I try to take care of my facial skin”.